If we had to choose one womens board to ride all season from this year’s collection it would be the Destiny. Destiny is the classic cam-rocker all-mountain snowboard. It’s has a medium-soft-flex that’s great for riding at groomed slopes, in deep powder and is fun in the park. It’s simply a perfect choice for riders who need one board for all conditions.
144 | 148 | 151
Length | Tip Width [mm] | Waist Width [mm] | Tail Width [mm] | Running Length [mm] | Sidecut Radius [m] | Setback [mm] | Middle Stance [mm] |
144 | 272 | 234 | 272 | 870 | 7.4 | 20 | 540 |
148 | 278 | 238 | 278 | 900 | 7.6 | 20 | 560 |
151 | 286 | 242 | 283 | 930 | 7.9 | 20 | 600 |